

1st Floor, Noor Square, Opp. Askari Park, Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi

Quote Number QUO-268
Quote Date September 1, 2023
Total Rs. 829,540.00


Repairing of Road Option 1

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 job Cost of labor charges for damage road upto depth of AVG 10 inches including shifting of debris as per your desired location
Rs. 185,000.000.00%Rs. 185,000.00
1742 Sqf Providing & making concrete floor in proper slop matching on both ends with cement concrete avg ratio 1:2:4 after laying of soling stones upto 6 inches with hammer compaction & concrete floor upto 4 inches Rs. 370.000.00%Rs. 644,540.00
Sub Total Rs. 829,540.00
Tax Rs. 0.00
Total Rs. 829,540.00