

1st Floor, Noor Square, Opp. Askari Park, Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi

Quote Number QUO-36
Quote Date April 8, 2022
Total Rs. 10,965,000.00

Madersa Noor ul Quran

Structure madersa building

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2550 sqf Providing and making structure ofGround floor of madersa building beside mosque as per built structure.
Rs. 2,500.000.00%Rs. 6,375,000.00
2550sqft Providing and repairing the roof colours and beams of basement by adding new columns/beams replaster of ceiling after chiesling of old loose plaster Rs. 1,800.000.00%Rs. 4,590,000.00
Sub Total Rs. 10,965,000.00
Tax Rs. 0.00
Total Rs. 10,965,000.00