

1st Floor, Noor Square, Opp. Askari Park, Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi

Quote Number QUO-37
Quote Date April 9, 2022
Total Rs. 13,515,000.00

Madersa Noor UL Quran building

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2550 Providing and making Ground floor of madersa building beside mosque as per built structure with all finishes including massonary work ,plumbing ,electrical Painting jobs from inside and out side (Carpenter and stone work is not included).
Rs. 3,500.000.00%Rs. 8,925,000.00
2550 Providing and repairing the roof colours and beams of basement by adding new columns/beams replaster of ceiling after chiesling of old loose plaster Rs. 1,800.000.00%Rs. 4,590,000.00
Sub Total Rs. 13,515,000.00
Tax Rs. 0.00
Total Rs. 13,515,000.00