

1st Floor, Noor Square, Opp. Askari Park, Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi

Quote Number QUO-331
Quote Date December 11, 2023
Total Rs. 2,872,000.00
Beltexco ltd

BOQ for Warehouse Works | 2

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
8700 Rft Filling and repairing of cracks in walkways repair and make smooth surface with Non-shrinkage precision grout with high ultimate strength. Complete in all respects as per instruction of engineer.

GF + 1st + 2nd

Rs. 160.000.00%Rs. 1,392,000.00
2000 Rft Crack filling with non shrinkage crack filler after widening, cleaning & filling

Job to be done on complete warehouse walls.

Rs. 90.000.00%Rs. 180,000.00
1 job Repairing of Warehouse Building External wall cracks

Cleaning & widening the crack filling with chemical crack heal 920 2 component liquid polymer through crane

Rs. 625,000.000.00%Rs. 625,000.00
300 Rft Expansion joint treatment. Filling with Becker rod and covering joint with aluminum strips.
Rs. 650.000.00%Rs. 195,000.00
1 job crane charges
Rs. 360,000.000.00%Rs. 360,000.00
1 job Scaffolding charges Rs. 120,000.000.00%Rs. 120,000.00
Sub Total Rs. 2,872,000.00
Tax Rs. 0.00
Total Rs. 2,872,000.00