1st Floor, Noor Square, Opp. Askari Park, Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi
Invoice Number | INV-0065 |
Invoice Date | November 7, 2022 |
Total Due | Rs. 0.00 |
Water-Proofing of Auditorium Roof | COLLEGE SECTION
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
18216 sf | Cutting Chiseling & Removing Removing of existing roof water proof material including P-gravels,Cant strip hessain cloth, cleaning of roof upto the top surface of screeding etc and shifting of all valuable material from roof to a location on ground floor as instructed by school management. Also shifting of debris through trucks from school premises complete. |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
2100 sft | Cutting Chiseling & Removing Removing, cutting and chiseling of parapet wall plaster with care including shifting of debris from school premises through trucks as per instruction of school managament |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
14348 sf | Water Proofing Providing and laying of water proofing treatment as per manufacturer's specification including cutting/making of grooves approx. 0.5 to .75" deep in parapet wall for inserting water proofing material and also finish same grooves with waterproof chemical as per instruction of school management. Water proofing must be done atleast upto 8" height on parapet wall and where else required. Warranty Period: 10 years |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
4782 sft | Plastomat suntan PG-4000 Granuels - 4mm thick Providing and laying of water proofing treatment on roof to maintain slope with primer etc as per manufacturer's specification. Warranty Period: 10 years |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
900 Rft | Plastomat suntan PP-4000 - 4mm thick Cant Strip (Cement Concrete Chamfered Edge - Gola) Providing and making cant strip (cement concrete Chamfered edge gola) approx. 0'-6" to 0-8" chamfered with Ratio 1:2:4 on edges of parapet wall , Ledge and around AC concrete pads including making surface rough of roof only area where gola is to be made as per site requirement with smooth trovel finish as directed by school management complete. |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
2200 Sft | Plastering on parapet wall with SBR Providing and applying of Plaster , (1/2",3/4" ) thick upto required depth using 1:4 cement sand ratio on parapet wall including application of anti rusting chemical on exposed steel ,expanded metal (mesh) at junction wherever else required, with SBR (Fospak, Resichem, Zahabiya) as per standard ratio by 1 part of SBR : 1 part of water :4 parts of Cement (by Volume ) with smooth finish , curing etc as directed by school management. |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
12 Nos | Plastering on parapet wall with SBR Demolishing of defective columns with care and shifting of debris from site through truck. Providing and applying of concrete 1:2:4 ratio including fixing and removal of water tight shuttering, apply zuba 16/123 anti rust on exposed rusted steel bars after removal of rust using steel wire brush and also use in concrete, plastering complete. Approximate size : 2'x1'x3' |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
12 nos | Plastering on parapet wall with SBR Repairing of column including application of anti rusting chemical on exposed steel after removing rust from steel using wire brush, application of rough and finish plaster upto required depth, using of chemical zuba 16/123 complete. |
Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
180 nos | Concrete Pads Providing and making of Concrete pads for AC drain lines approx size of one pad (12" x 8" x 6") with Ratio 1:2:4 on roof with smooth finish Plaster 1:4 ,curing etc, as directed by school management. | Rs. 0.00 | 0.00% | Rs. 0.00 |
Sub Total | Rs. 0.00 |
Tax | Rs. 0.00 |
Total Due | Rs. 0.00 |